ࡱ> TVS@ Njbjbܡܡ tHl dBBBBBBBB,  BBBBB*BBB***BBB*|2|B**$0H**How to Solve Problems (How to Live Life Successfully) Part 1 Problems are inevitable, from the day we are born till the day we die. Job 14:1, Job 5:7 The question is not, do we have problems, but how do we relate to the problems we have? Faith is correctly expressed in PS 46:1-3, because PS 34:19, 6, 17. DA 667:4 "In every difficulty we are to see a call to prayer." DA 330:1 "In every difficulty He has His way prepared to bring relief." This is what we want to study this week, His way of bringing relief to our problematic situation. PS 77:19 What a strange place for a path, did it ever happen? PS 77:20 In the deliverance from Egypt, the Israelites found themselves hemmed in by an encroaching army behind, mountains all around and the red sea before. It looked to them like disaster was eminent. MB 61:1 "That which you look upon as disaster is the door to highest benefit." (God is an ever present help, where? -- in the trouble.) MH 481:2 "Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing. (Where?) In every difficulty He has His way prepared to bring relief." COL 332 "Let nothing hinder you. Fate has not woven its meshes about any human being so firmly that he need remain helpless and in uncertainty. Opposing circumstances should create a firm determination in the right direction, and circumstances (opposing circumstances) will be your helpers, not your hindrances." Did the three worthies have a problem with the fiery furnace? What did God use to cut the ropes and destroy the men who threw them into the furnace? Was the lion's den a problem to Daniel? No, the envious Princes were the problem and the lion's den took care of them, didn't it? Haman thought to give Mordecai a problem by building for him a gallows. What was it that solved the gallows problem? -- The gallows. How to Solve Problems Part 2 Job 6: 2-4, 8-9. Why was Job talking like that? -- He was overwhelmed with grief, suffering, sorrow, and despair, otherwise known as problems. Would you have advice for Job? Did his friends have advice for him? Finally, God comes down to deal with the situation. How did He deal with it? Did He explain Satan's challenge, or why the wicked prosper, and the righteous suffer? -- No. Job 38: 1-4. By unanswerable questions, God revealed Himself to Job. Job 42:5. How did seeing God leave Job? -- Job 42:6 Friends, may I suggest to you that this is the solution to all our problems. An encounter with God left Job self-abhorring and perfectly repentant, and receptive. Job 42:12 In the text we see that God presents Himself as a Teacher. Life is a school (Ed 100:1), and trials and obstacles are God's chosen method of success. Isa. 54:11A what is wrong with Jerusalem? -- Afflicted, tossed and not comforted; overwhelmed with problems in its earthly experience. But notice: it would not always be that way. Isa 54:11B-13 We have a beautiful future, not in spite of problems but because of them. Now, according to the passage, what will the Lord be doing in heaven? -- Teaching. So, what will we be doing there? -- Learning. Jesus uses Isa 54:11 in John 6:45A Who is the teacher? -- God. What is this Teacher's burden? -- John 6:45B, Col 2:3 GC 606:2 "The laborers will be qualified rather by the unction of His Spirit than by the training of literary institutions." Is there anything wrong with literary institutions? -- No, they are ordained of God, but the provide only an exterior preparation. Pro 1:7. There are people in this world who are educated on the best schools, whose ambitions have got them the highest positions in the land. But they still don't know how to treat their wives, raise their children, and avoid the Monica Lewinskies of the world. 2 Tim 2:15, Ed 232:3 "Every youth should be taught the necessity and power of application. Upon this, far more than upon genius or talent, does success depend. Without application the most brilliant talent avail little, while with rightly directed effort persons of very ordinary natural abilities have accomplished wonders. And genius, at whose achievements we marvel, is almost invariably united with untiring, concentrated effort." 7T 281:2 "Seek the Lord most earnestly that my may become more and more refined, more spiritually cultured. Then you will have the very best diploma that anyone can have -- the endorsement of God." Pro 3:5-6 How to Solve Problems Part 3 God is our Teacher. Life is a school, and in this school God uses three great textbooks: 1. The Bible, the written word. 2. Nature, the word illustrated. 3. The experiences of life, providence. Like any school, God uses two phases to educate. 1. Theory. 2. Experimental. From the Bible we receive theory and principles. From nature we make observations. But, we must take these theoretical observations into the laboratory of human experience. We are participants, not spectators. Illustration: What would you think of a mechanic whose only knowledge came from a book? Would you bring your car to him? Or would you bring your dress to seamstress who has never used a sewing machine? MH 456 "An acquaintance with facts and theories important in themselves is of little value unless put into a practical use." Does God lead everyone down the same path? -- No, we do that. We take 30 children, crammed them into one classroom, give them all the same book and the same curriculum. God will not do that because He is a one-on-one Teacheer. You are unique. He doesn't want you to be like anyone else. He is writing a book of life, and in it you have a chapter. Your life is unlike every other life that ever existed. Rev. 20:12 At the judgement the books are opened, and the book of life. All will see whether they have cooperated with the Great Teacher, or not. The "A" of Problem Solving "A" is very simply this: Accept the Assignment. MH 481:3 "The faithful discharge of today's duties is the best preparation for tomorrow's trials." Who alone knows what tomorrow will bring? -- God does, so He give us problems expecially designed to prepare us for tomorrow. What then is our best option? -- Accept the assignment. Jonah 1: 1-2 Nothing would better prepare him for his future, but to Jonah this was a huge problem. He had a solution too; he quit school. So God transferred school to the bottom of the sea. Three days and three nights God gave intensive application to the real problem. Did Jonah learn something down there? -- Jonah 2:7. The result: Jonah 2:9. What did the Teacher say to him the next day? -- Jonah 3:1-2 (Same assignment.) "Oh but, didn't I learn all I needed to learn down there in the whale? " Apparently not, not if didn't learn to Accept the Assignment. SC 83:2 "[We] only have to go forward quietly doing faithfully the work that God's providence assigns and [our] lives will not be in vain." ( not be wasted.) How to Solve Problems Part 4 Matt. 18:7. Why the woe? -- Because it is wrong to be offensive. The verse, however, says, "it must needs be that offenses come". Don't be offensive, but prepare to be offended. PS 76:10. The mistakes of men, their failures and wickedness put me in a position to learn. No matter what men do to me, as far as I am concerned it is providence. It is God's assignment for today, and I accept the assignment. DA 224:5 "God never leads His children otherwise than they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning, and discern the glory of the purpose which they are fulfilling as co-workers with Him." Matt. 14:16 Jesus gave His disciples an assignment. Was it a fair one? It was a major problem. But the disciples had a solution, didn't they? -- Matt 14:15 Like Jonah they sought to solve their own problem, but not the people's problem. What do you do with God's assignments? Do you complain, cry, rebel? Or, do you try to evade, escape, or dodge your responsibilities? John 18:11 I will not take that bitter thrust which rent my heart today As coming from an earthly soul, tho' it was meant that way, But I will look beyond the tool, because my life is planned. I take the cup my Father gives; I take it from His hand. He knows, and even thus allows these little things that irk. I thrust His wisdom and His love; let patience have her work. Though human means have brought the sting, I firmly take this stand: My loving Father holds the cup; I take it from His hand. Now those who watch may wonder why these things do not disturb. I look right past the instrument and see my Lord superb. The trials which would lay me low must pass through His command. He holds the outstretched cup to me; I take it from His hand. I ACCEPT THE ASSIGNMENT. How to Solve Problems Part 5 God does not risk our education by leaving it in the hands of any other. He says, PS 32:8, PS 16:11, John 14:26. IHP 265 "He is the orderer of all our experiences." MH 417 "He orders that which His providence sees best." To Noah, God said, "Build an ark." To eighty-year old Moses, He said, "Deliver Israel." To Jonah, "I'm going to make you the most successful evangelist that ever lived." To Ester, "Put your life in jeopardy to save your people." To Jesus, ah-h-h Jesus, He said, "I've got a cup for you to drink." Are these assignments these men would have chosen for themselves? -- No, not one of them. Does God ever ask you to do something you don't want to do? MH 472:4 "Let us remember that while the work we have to do may not be our choice, it is to be accepted as God's choice for us." Is there anyone here who is not sure that you are where you are suppose to be? Well, don't worry; I know how you can get there. Just do that which lies nearest at hand, and do with all your heart. Luke 16:10-12, Eccl 9:10 6T 432:3 "Do not pass by the little things, and look for a large work. You might do successfully the small work, but fail utterly in attempting a larger work and fall into discouragement. Take hold wherever you see that there is work to be done. It will be by doing with your might what your hands find to do that you will develop talents and aptitude for a larger work." MH 473:3 "Often these duties afford the very training essential to prepare us for a higher work." The "B" of Problem Solving What do you suppose the "B" represents? -- Believe. Just like righteousness is by faith, and there is no righteousness but God's, so problem solving is by faith, and there is no solution but God's. In righteousness by faith there are two things we must believe, and in problem solving there are two things we must believe. 1. John 15:5 DA 300:1 "The Lord can do nothing toward the recovery of man until, convinced of his own weakness, and stripped of all self-sufficiency, he yields himself to the control of God. Then (when humble, workable, teachable and receptive) he can receive the gift that God is waiting to bestow. From the soul that feels his need nothing is withheld." 2. Phil. 4:13, 2 Cor. 9:8, 11, 15. COL 301 "Through the grace of Christ we may accomplish everything that God requires." Bible Illustration: Joseph is standing before Pharaoh. Pharaoh says, "I've had a dream. I'm impressed with its importance, but all my wise men are baffled. I've heard that you can interpret dreams." What did Joseph answer? -- Piece of cake. I can do that anytime. Is that what he said? -- No. But he didn't say he couldn't do it either. Notice both concepts in one verse: Gen. 41:16A Did he stop there? Gen. 41:16 B. Who was God planning to use? Was Joseph willing? Are you willing to be used of God. How to Solve Problems Part 6 "A" = Accept the Assignment, because, MH 255 says, "Even the things which appear to be against us will work for our good.' "B" = Believe two things 1. John 15:5 2. Phil. 4:13 Today, the "C" of Problem solving: Like "B", "C" stands in two parts. PART 1: Claim the wisdom that God has promised. -- James 1:5 Bible Illustration: 2 Chron. 20: 1,3 Why is Jehoshaphat afraid? (Read 2 Chron. 17-19) PK 198:4 "Jehoshaphat was a man of courage and valor. For years he had been strengthening his armies and his fortified cities. He was well prepared to meet almost any foe;" 2 Chron. 20:12 What did he mean, in his prayer, when he said, "we have no might"? PK 198:4 "Yet in this crisis he put not his trust in the arm of flesh. Not be disciplined armies and fenced cities, but by a living faith in the God of Israel, could he hope to gain the victory" Did Jehoshaphat know what to do? -- Yes, " our eyes are upon thee." That friends, is the real answer to all of our problems. DA 330:1 "In every difficulty He has His way prepared to bring relief. Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us, of which we know nothing. Those who accept the one principle of making the service and honor of God supreme will find perplexities vanish, and a plain path before their feet." Four Great Channels through which God works to Guide: 1. The word and Spirit of Prophecy. 2. His providential workings. 3. The impressions of the Holy Spirit. 4. Godly counselors. Illustration from nature: How does a farmer run a fence? He ascertains where the first two post go and then he can line all the rest up by these two. Likewise, when two or three of God's great guideposts line up we may know that we have guidance from heaven. PART 2: Come to a Conclusion. 3T 497:2-3 " Brother A, you are too slow (cautious). You should cultivate opposite qualities. The cause of God demands men who can see quickly and act instantaneously at the right time and with power. If you wait to measure every difficulty and balance every perplexity you meet you will do but little If anything is accomplished to the purpose it must be done at the golden moment. The slightest inclination of the weight in the balance should be seen and should determine the matter at once. Long delays tire the angels. It is even more excusable to make a wrong decision sometimes than to be continually in a wavering position, to be hesitating, sometimes inclined in one direction, then in another. More perplexity and wretchedness result from thus hesitating and doubting than from sometimes moving too hastily." 4T 454:1 "Without decision an individual is fickle, unstable as water, and can never truly be successful." 4T 344:0 "Indecision soon becomes decision in the wrong direction." Illustration: Should you become a surgeon, you will need to learn two things: 1. To make up your mind. 2. When your mind is made up, you will need to go through with the decision you made. How to Solve Problems Part 7 Today we come to the "D" of Problem Solving: "A" is Accept the Assignment as coming from a loving God. "B" is believing in Him more than in yourself. "C" is claiming His wisdom through 1. The study of His word. 2. Seeking Him in prayer. 3. Watching His providences. 4. Listening to His Holy Spirit. 5. Counseling with true men and women. When all or the greater part of these line up and brings you to a conclusion Then what? -- "D" -- Do it! Decidedly do it. The purpose of "A, B, and C" is to get us to "D". MH 498:3 "You accomplish little because you attempt little." 3SM 150:2 "You expect little, and as a result you receive little, and you are satisfied with very small success." The gospel is a means to an end, not an end in itself. We are saved to a purpose, what is it? 3SM 202:2 "Our sanctification is God's object in all His dealings with us." Rom. 1:5; Rom. 16: 26; Matt. 24:14 Ah friends, are there problems in your life? I know no easier way to solve these problems than to study the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy and to do what they say. 1Sam. 2:30; John 2:5. The "E" of Problem Solving: "E" Express your faith and thanksgiving. COL 363:1 "But when we give ourselves wholly to God and in our work follow His directions, He makes Himself responsible for its accomplishment. He would not have us conjecture as to the success of our honest endeavors. Not once should we even think of failure. We are to cooperate with One who knows no failure." 2T 135:1 "Whatever is done out of pure love, be it ever so little or contemptible in the sight of men, is wholly fruitful; for God regards more with how much love one works than the amount he does." 6T 192 "Mistakes will often be made, but every error lies close beside the truth. Wisdom will be learned by failures, and the energy that will make a beginning gives hope of success in the end." How to Solve Problems Part 8 The "F" of Problem Solving: "F" = Facing Failure. AA 524:2 "Trial is part of the education given in the school of ChristIt is because God is leading His children that trying experiences come to them. Trials and obstacles are God's chosen methods of discipline, and His appointed conditions of success." We've been going through the ABC's of Problem Solving. We did A, B, C, D, E and now we are at "F", but "F" is not a step in problem solving. "F" is as much a problem as is anything else. Do you know what a problem is? -- It is something you don't know the answer to. Because life is a school, and we learn by solving problems, we've got to be placed in circumstances where we don't know what to do. If we don't know what to do, we have an opportunity to learn to know what to do. A problem is an expression of God's confidence in us. We wouldn't ask a six-year old to solve algebra problems. We have no confidence that he could do it. 2 Cor. 2:14 DA 490:5 "With Him there can be no such thing as failure, loss, impossibility or defeat." DA 679:2 "He knew that the life of His trusting disciple would be like His, a series of uninterrupted victories, not seen to be such here, but recognized as such in the great hereafter." John 13:7 9T 286:2 "All that has perplexed us in the providences of God will in the world to come be made plain. The things hard to be understood will then find explanation. The mysteries of grace will unfold before us. Where our finite minds discovered only confusion and broken promises, we shall see the most perfect and beautiful harmony." DA 678:3 "As the world's Redeemer, Christ was constantly confronted with apparent failure. He, the messenger of mercy to our world, seemed to do little of the work He longed to do in uplifting and saving. Satanic influences were constantly working to oppose His way. But He would not be discouraged." 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